This is a profile image of Anton Maucuer

Anton Maucuer


Advises leading pharmaceuticals and consumer-health companies on the topics of innovation and customer and patient centricity, especially as enabled by digital tools and approaches

Anton is a partner in our Geneva office. He serves leading companies in the pharmaceuticals and consumer-healthcare industries across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, as well as in the United States. He is a member of our Life Sciences Practice, and coleads the firm’s work in consumer health and wellness.

In pharmaceuticals, Anton supports clients in understanding how digital tools and technologies can help maximize patient access and well-being through the lens of greater customer and patient centricity. He has also supported leading industry companies in developing their mid-to-long-term digital aspiration setting and strategy.

In consumer health, Anton is passionate about the topic of innovation, helping his clients understand what drives an organization’s innovation performance and how it can be improved to make a genuine, measurable difference in consumers’ lives, specifically through improvements in organization, technology, and ways of working.

Anton received a bachelor’s degree in management, summa cum laude, from the University of Lausanne in Switzerland—which included a year-long exchange study program at Waseda University in Tokyo—and an MBA with dean’s honors and distinction from Columbia Business School in New York. He is a native Russian speaker and is fluent in English and French.


Treating rare diseases: How digital technologies can drive innovation,” McKinsey & Company, February 2023

Developing a customer-centric approach to rare conditions,” McKinsey & Company, October 2022

Roche’s Infinity model: Helping to transform the lives of patients with rare diseases,” McKinsey & Company, July 2021


Columbia University

University of Lausanne
BS, management

Waseda University
School of International Liberal Studies