This is a profile image of Ivo Bozon

Ivo Bozon

Senior PartnerZurique

Coleads McKinsey’s global energy work, helping leading oil and gas companies understand the future evolution of the industry, shape and execute strategy, and grow value through M&A

Ivo has extensive experience working with international majors, national oil companies, host governments, and selected independents and oil-field services providers―across Africa, Asia, Europe, Russia, and the United States.

Ivo helps his clients shape strategies for growth, value creation, and industry leadership―and supports them in aligning their organizations for execution and sustained performance improvement. He also has deep experience in corporate and asset-based transactions, having worked on numerous M&A deals across the globe, both with majors and private-equity companies. He is an advisor to several energy-oriented investment funds.

Ivo’s major research interest encompasses the future evolution of the oil industry, and he leads several McKinsey knowledge initiatives in this arena. He is a frequent speaker and participant in the key global forums of the oil and gas industry, such as the Singapore International Energy Week.

Published work

Delivering a world-class integration in oil and gas,” McKinsey & Company, February 2017

McKinsey conversations with global leaders: Andrew Gould of Schlumberger,” McKinsey Quarterly, April 2010

McKinsey conversations with global leaders: Jeroen van der Veer of Shell,” McKinsey Quarterly, July 2009

Averting the next energy crisis: The demand challenge,” McKinsey Global Institute, March 2009

Past experience

Royal Dutch Shell
Roles in the Netherlands and Singapore


Tilburg University
MA, economics, econometrics

London Business School
Accelerated development programme