This is a profile image of Jocelyn Grahame

Jocelyn Grahame

Senior PartnerNew Jersey

Applies her organizational expertise to help clients shift strategy, improve performance, build capabilities, and strengthen behavior

Jocelyn works with clients throughout North America on strategy and improving their organizational health and performance. She has experience in large-scale transformational change, value networks and network design, merger management, and organizational topics such as culture and organization design.

In recent years, Jocelyn has advised healthcare payors and providers looking to enhance their long-term performance so that they can respond to economic challenges and ready themselves for reform. For example, she has helped US health insurers increase their workforce productivity, strengthen their performance-management systems, and build their capabilities at all levels—from the C-suite to the front line. And she has supported hospitals and other providers as they improve their performance and prepare for a dynamic new environment.

Jocelyn also helps executives determine when mergers or other joint ventures make sense. As plans progress, she identifies the factors that are crucial for success, drives the integration process forward, develops strategies to enhance the value of the merger, and works to inspire the necessary changes in mind-sets and behaviors.

Published work

The Garden State in bloom: Cultivating New Jersey’s workforce of tomorrow,” McKinsey & Company, November 2022

Past experience

Summer intern, pharmaceuticals and allied products

Merck-Medco Managed Care, LLC
Senior marketing analyst, health management division

Medco Health Solutions
Marketing associate, health services


Harvard University

University of Pennsylvania
BA, economics and philosophy, politics, and economics (PPE)