Paul Thompson

Vice President of Client Services, EMEA, PeriscopeBruxelas

Paul Thompson

Vice President of Client Services, EMEA, PeriscopeBruxelas

Couples 30 years of experience as a consultant on sales and customer strategy with deep technological expertise

Based in the McKinsey Solutions and Knowledge Center, Paul heads our European, Middle East, and Africa client-service team for Periscope, a set of tools and approaches that use advanced analytics and big data to improve pricing, promotion, assortments, and performance management in marketing and sales. Paul’s work involves supporting clients with best practices, analytics, and capability building and advising companies in the business-to-business and banking sectors on performance management and pricing.

Paul brings clients the benefit of 30 years of experience in advising fast-moving consumer-goods companies on their sales and customer strategies. His marketing-and-sales expertise is matched with deep technological insight gained in an executive role at a US-based consulting and IT-services group.

Among his recent projects, Paul provided expertise for a customer- and account-management program at a personal-care company, a sales-excellence and channel-management initiative at a beverages company, and a marketing strategy at a food company.

Before joining McKinsey, Paul held leadership positions in a growth-strategy and consulting firm, a technology-solutions provider, and a global food company. He has a degree in marketing and management.

Published work

“Shelf assurance,” The Hub Marketing and Sales Magazine, June 2011

“Why not success?,” The Hub Marketing and Sales Magazine, February 2011

“Shopping optimized,” The Hub Marketing and Sales Magazine, April 2010

“The net brand effect,” The Hub Marketing and Sales Magazine, April 2009

Past experience

  • Henry Rak Consulting Partners Managing director 2003–2011
  • Computer Sciences Corporation Managing director, CRM practice 1996–2003
  • Kraft Foods Sales management and marketing roles 1981–1996


James Madison University
BSc, marketing and management