This is a profile image of Rajesh Krishnan

Rajesh Krishnan

PartnerNova York

Leads enterprise-wide transformations efforts that focus on performance and health, helping organizations deliver lasting improvements to financial performance, driving mind-set and behavior change, and building capabilities at scale

Since joining McKinsey, Rajesh has advised executives across Asia and North America as they seek to transform performance, improve marketing and sales, and pursue culture change and capability-building initiatives.

An active contributor to our global Transformation and People & Organizational Performance Practices, Rajesh seeks to enhance clients’ ability to boost both financial performance and organizational health (or effectiveness) during transformation efforts. He recently led a refresh of the RTS approach to improving organizational health, including successful approaches for changing mind-sets and behaviors.

Rajesh leads RTS Academy, our cutting-edge delivery vehicle for at-scale capability building. In this role, he counsels a wide range of clients on building foundational capabilities across their workforce through blended in-person and digital learning and a wide range of reinforcement mechanisms.

In his consulting work, Rajesh has led more than 20 transformations, across industries and geographies. When pursuing transformation, he helps set up the transformation office architecture that drives value creation from top-line to operational, cost, and cash-management initiatives. Rajesh also works with executives to drive company-wide improvements in culture and organizational health. Previously, when leading transformations for public-sector organizations, he has helped foster economic development, establish greater sustainability, and address social priorities such as crime reduction and improving public education.

Examples of his recent client work include the following:

  • driving the transformation at a leading advanced-industrials company, focused on performance improvement across every function and driving mind-set and behavior change programs for more than 100,000 employees in 150-plus countries
  • guiding an end-to-end transformation for a global industrials company that boosted stock price return by ten times and improved organizational health from bottom to near top quartile within 18 months
  • leading a successful recovery effort for a mining industry leader emerging from Chapter 11, including running a transformation office and delivering more value than the original business plan in 12 months
  • directing a transformation for iconic industrial company that identified and delivered substantial profit and loss, and cash impact

Interested in learning and fostering development, Rajesh serves as faculty for the Change Leaders Forum and a number of RTS Academy programs. Before joining McKinsey, he worked at a global oil and gas corporation, leading postmerger transformation efforts in the chemicals business focusing on marketing, sales, supply chain, and logistics. Rajesh is fluent in English and Tamil.

Published work

What makes an organization ‘healthy’?,” McKinsey Quarterly, March 2019

The yin and yang of organizational health,” McKinsey Quarterly, November 2017

Past experience

ExxonMobil Chemicals
Regional sales manager, South East Asia
Global business process expert, logistics and supply chain
Global marketing and sales systems lead
Information systems lead


Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
MBA, finance

Nanyang Technological University
BAS, computer engineering